本服务条款及条件("Terms”, “条款与条件")管理你的("You”, “Your” or “Licensee)与天网科技美国有限责任公司(及其子公司)的关系, 代表, affiliates, officers, and directors, “pg电子官网”, “We”, “Us”, or “Our”),有关您访问和使用我们的网站WWW.skynettechnologies.Com(连同任何其他关联网站,统称为"天网科技网站”) and the professional services or products we provide (collectively referred to herein as the “Products"并连同天网科技网站,"Service”). The Service may be used on a website or on digital content owned or controlled by Licensee (the “被许可方的网站”).
天网科技、其母公司或其子公司、关联公司和供应商(特此“pg电子官网”)拥有“all in one无障碍软件”的所有知识产权, code, plugin, website, 小部件和服务器.
在使用本服务前,请仔细阅读本条款. Your access to and use of the Services is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms, which may be indicated by clicking the “I Accept” or “I Agree” option available in some of the Products, 完成注册流程, 或使用服务. 通过访问或使用本服务,您同意受这些条款的约束. 如果您不同意本条款的任何部分,则您不得使用或访问本服务. 同意本条款, 您必须(i)年满18岁或获得您的父母或监护人的同意, and (ii) have the power to enter into a binding contract with Us and not be prohibited from doing so under any applicable law.
您对本服务的使用受任何附加条款的约束, policies, rules, or guidelines applicable to the Service or certain features of the Service that may be published by Us from time to time. 所有附加条款, policies, rules, or guidelines are incorporated herein by reference and shall be considered an integral part of these Terms.
受这些条款约束, 你被授予有限的, revocable, non-exclusive, non-assignable, 在被许可方网站上安装和使用产品的不可再许可许可. 除非另有规定,本许可适用于一个被许可方网站. 本许可不授予您对产品的任何所有权. 在您的网站中嵌入产品后, no further use of the same may be made without obtaining an additional License for any additional websites.
您不得:(i)转许可, distribute, or use the Service outside the scope of these Terms; (ii) copy, modify, reproduce, adapt, translate, or create derivative works of the Service; (iii) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or attempt to discover the source code of the Service; (iv) rent, lease, license, sell, assign, or otherwise transfer rights in the Service; (v) use any trademarks, trade names, service marks, logos, domain names, or other distinctive brand features associated with the Service without our written consent; or (vi) use, post, transmit, 或者引入任何设备, software, 或干扰本服务运行的例行程序.
pg电子官网 uses commercial efforts to ensure that its Products enable the 被许可方的网站 to comply with relevant accessibility standards. 当产品嵌入被许可方网站时, 各种可访问性增强将变得可用.
pg电子官网 also offers professional services to assist with the remediation of accessibility issues. 你们有责任执行我们的指示以确保遵守.
We provide technical support during regular business hours via email, chat, and video conferencing. Support services are subject to payment of support fees and are provided on a reasonable commercial efforts basis.
You may not use the Service in connection with any content that is illegal or infringes upon the 知识产权 or proprietary rights of pg电子官网 or any third party. 您不得使用本服务发布诽谤性信息或发送垃圾邮件. 如果发生刑事犯罪,我们保留通知适当执法部门的权利.
您已阅读并同意遵守天网科技的隐私政策. You agree not to enter or provide any personally identifiable information (PII) while using our services. pg电子官网 may store your data on its servers for the purpose of improving its services. 您有责任确保遵守适用的隐私法规.
本条款及任何采购订单或付款记录(统称为“PO”)构成了我们和PO中确定的客户之间的完整协议. 所有费用均以美元报价.S. 美元,按订单中规定的条款支付.
天网科技保留此权利, 自行决定, 更改或修改其软件, website, widget, 插件或任何代码,并在不事先通知您的情况下在您的网站上公开部署任何更改.
天网科技没有义务提供任何升级, 技术信息, 或任何形式的技术支持.
您不得转让您在本EULA项下的权利或义务, 或重新分配, encumber, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, 或者以其他方式转让这些权利.
不能反编译, “逆向工程”, disassemble, 或以其他方式试图获取pg电子官网软件的源代码.
You many not modify the pg电子官网 Software or create any derivative work of pg电子官网, it's website, widget, plugin, 代码或任何附带的文档. 您不得更改pg电子官网软件的任何部分中的任何文件或库. You may not reproduce the pg电子官网 database or create any copies of pg电子官网 data.
天网科技保留所有权益, 知识产权, ownership rights and title in the Software and all copies thereof including but not limited to computer code, 文件和文件, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, titles, designs, 以及操作方法. 本软件受肯塔基州版权法保护, 美利坚合众国, 国际条约, 世界各地的公约和其他法律.
服务的原创内容, features, 和功能是pg电子官网及其许可人的专有财产. You may not use our trademarks, content, designs, or service marks without our prior written consent. 您提供的任何反馈或建议都将成为我们的财产, 并且你放弃对它们的知识产权的任何要求.
我们的服务可能包含指向第三方网站的链接. 天网科技不对内容负责, 隐私政策, 或任何第三方网站的做法. 使用此类网站的风险由您自行承担.
We may terminate your use of the Service immediately for any reason, including breach of these Terms. 终止后,您使用本服务的权利即告终止. 你仍有责任支付任何到期未付的款项.
你应赔偿, hold harmless, and defend pg电子官网 and its affiliates from any third-party claims arising out of your use of the Service or your breach of these Terms.
No Warranties
All in one Accessibility插件并不能保证符合WCAG!
All in one可访问性与每个网站交互, browser and operating system differently and therefore provides no warranty or assurances that the Software will perform as expected on your website. 如果您或您的用户遇到任何意外的技术问题, 错误或故障, 你有责任把这些问题报告给 (电子邮件保护) 包括相关截图、视频记录、浏览器版本、操作系统版本和设备类型.
If pg电子官网 All in one Accessibility Software changes the intended behavior of your website in any way or does not provide accessibility improvements as expected, you may remove any pg电子官网 code from your servers and discontinue using the Software.
All in One Accessibility software is licensed to you “as is” and pg电子官网 disclaims any and all warranties, 明示或暗示, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, 在法律允许的范围内. 在不限制前述内容的前提下, pg电子官网 makes no representations that use of the software will not infringe any copyright, 第三方拥有的专利、商标或其他权利.
进一步且不限制前述内容, pg电子官网 makes no warranties or representations that the software will meet your requirements or that operation of the software will be uninterrupted, 无错误或不会损害您的计算机或移动设备. 您承担决定软件及其结果是否有效的责任, if any, 适合你自己, your software, your website, your server, 你的产品和你的电脑或移动设备. 本软件的性能、运行和质量的全部风险由您自行承担.
Dashboard, Automated accessibility reports cannot be misunderstood with ADA or any accessibility compliance report.
pg电子官网 All in one Accessibility plugin/software does not guarantee WCAG compliance! it is your sole responsibility to ensure your website is accessible and tested for compliance with WCAG 2.1 & 2.2或法律规定的其他无障碍规定. Moreover, you hereby agree to test the All in one Accessibility widget and all of its accessibility features on your website locally prior to rolling it out publicly to ensure proper functionality.
By choosing to use the All in one Accessibility widget you hereby claim that all of the pages and content on your site have been tested with common browsers and operating systems and with each of All in one Accessibility’s accessibility features (contrast changes, 文本大小变化, 键盘导航, cursor size, 链接高亮显示, font changes, desaturation, etc.),并且所有可用的功能都能正常工作.
In no event shall pg电子官网 be liable to you or to any third party claiming through you or on your behalf.
As such, 天网科技, its directors, officers, 雇员或代理人, 也没有任何天网科技的合作伙伴, affiliate or solution provider shall in any way be liable to you or your users and you hereby waive any direct or indirect, economic, financial, special, commercial, incidental, 惩罚性或间接损害赔偿, 包括但不限于利润损失, citations, 损失营业收入或利润的损失, lost data, bug造成的损害, glitches, 故障或未能实现预期功能, 设计或内容, 因使用或执行本软件而引起的或与之有关的, even if pg电子官网 or a pg电子官网 affiliate are aware of the possibility of such damages.
您同意赔偿并使天网科技免受所有索赔, judgments, liabilities, expenses, 或因违反本条款而产生的费用 & 条件和/或作为或不作为.
Governing Law
本条款受肯塔基州法律管辖. 因本条款引起的任何争议应在肯塔基州法院解决.
我们可随时修改这些条款. 在变更生效后继续使用本服务, 您同意受修订条款的约束. 如果您不同意新条款,请停止使用本服务.
Contact Us
如果您对这些条款有任何疑问,请与我们联系 (电子邮件保护).